September 4, 2012


So I sent in the latest version of my novel draft! 

On the outside, an unshowered writer in sweatpants looking mildly pleased. On the inside: this!
Previous post-editing celebrations have included getting tipsy and watching installations of the Twilight saga (which, as far as I can tell, is the exact opposite of editing a novel), but last night I increased the crazy-partying-quotient (hold your hats) by eagerly unpacking a moving box and putting things away.  The more decadent part of the celebration was based around having a glass of wine along with a leisurely Lush-bubble-bar-bath and the latest issue of the Walrus, but it turns out the hot water tank at the new chez nous was not quite up to the task.  The bath was lukewarm and therefore brief.

Brief, too, is this period of celebration, alas.  I have a freelance piece due tomorrow (mostly completed yesterday, but I still have 100 words to cut), and an essay to shorten before mid-month.   And wedding thank-you notes to write.   And yet more boxes to unpack. 

But as my friend E. pointed out today when we ran into each other: there is rarely a moment when life is fully settled.  There are always things to be done, changes taking place, and life is still happening in the meantime. 

So…let’s not wait for things to be perfect before we dive in. 

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