April 10, 2013

Bone and Bread in the National Post

Thank goodness for the National Post.  

That's a sentence that in 1997 I never would have guessed I would write.  

But the National Post Books Section and the Afterword blog make everything better.  (What on earth did I use to read to get me through the day?  There must have been something...? Bookninja, probably.)

Since the wonderful "Most Anticipated Books of (the first half of) 2013," there have been a few more articles and tidbits about Bone and Bread in the National Post:

There is this very nice article about me and Bone and Bread by Mark Medley. (I'm finding I get nervous or shy about these kinds of articles and tend to skim them very quickly, but looking over this now to share the link, I see that my editor said some extremely blush-inducing and hard-work-inspiring things about me in it.)     

Photo from the National Post

Photographer Tyler Anderson took this photo in the building where House of Anansi has their offices, at the end of the hallway in the freight elevator.  He makes the backdrop look unexpectedly gorgeous!

There is also a little piece I wrote for their feature called the "Story behind the Story," where I talk a little bit about the genesis of a particular excerpt from the novel.

And last, but certainly not least, a review of Bone and Bread by Emily M. Keeler.

On the flipside of all this happy internet stuff, I've been having some generalized internet woes lately. It was announced a few weeks ago that Google Reader is being discontinued, only a zillion years after I finally got it organized exactly the way I want it.  It's fine, really, because Reader created its own problems for me....I'd read blog posts on my phone and star/flag them to go comment later, but never did.   What I miss is the sidebar I used to have on my old Blogger design that showed when my favourite sites had a new update -- the most recently updated blog moving to the top of the list.  I wish there was a way to replicate this functionality in the "Pages" function I'm using now.  (I've tried pasting the code, but to no avail.)  

What is your favourite way to stay up-to-date with your favourite sites?  I'm thinking of going back to good old-fashioned bookmarking that I check up on every other day.  

The Facebook app on my phone has also stopped working properly -- it loads everything except for pictures, which makes for some very odd, contextless status updates.


Unknown said...

First of all, congratulations for all this wonderful coverage!

Secondly, I too am crushed that Google Reader's going under. I switched to bloglovin and it's quite good too. It doesn't allow the same keyboard shortcuts (not that I can see) but does let you organize things quite nicely.

Third, I am so excited for our shoot later this month!

Rebecca Rosenblum said...

I just the Dashboard in blogger. I never understood why Google operated both that and Reader, but they did, and now it's the one left standing. You just input the URLs that you want to keep up on, and they give you a scrollable list of new posts (as you say, with the most recent on top) in all of them. It only gives you the first few lines of each, so you have to click on them and go to the blog itself if you want to read the whole thing. I've never tried it on a mobile device, but on a computer it's pretty peachy. Even though I ended my blogger blog, I keep the account active in order to use the dashboard...

saleema said...

@Dallas Thank you, and thank you for the bloglovin tip! (I didn't use Reader's keyboard shortcuts, anyway, so no loss there.) And I am excited, too, re: later this month!!

@Rebecca This sounds like an idea I should try! Can you add non-Blogger blogs?

Rebecca Rosenblum said...

Hi Saleema,

Yes, most non-blogger blogs work just fine on the Blogger Dashboard. There's been a couple times I couldn't get some to work, and had no idea why, but very rare.