Here then is the list of books purchased with the intention of reading in the very near future, sitting still unread:
Sylvanus Now - Donna Morrisey

Kit's Law - Donna Morrisey
The Book of Beasts - Bernice Friesen
The Savage Detectives - Roberto Bolano
October - Richard Wright
The Culprits - Robert Hough
Mercy - Alissa York
Deafening - Frances Itani
The Line of Beauty - Alan Hollinghurst
Blindness - José Saramago
The White Bone - Barbara Gowdy
Where Has She Gone - Nino Ricci
The Girls - Lori Lansen
Special Topics in Calamity Physics - Marisha Pessl
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
Then I have a few books I won from various Twitter giveaways on the 'net:
The Outlander - Gil Adamson
Fear of Fighting - Stacey May Fowles & Marlena Zuber
The Disappearance of Seetha - Andrea Gunraj
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz
My latest Amazon purchases, selected in a fit of Parisian longing after looking at too many "Summer Reading" booklists online:
Bonjour Tristesse - Francoise Sagan
The Elegance of the Hedgehog - Muriel Barbery
I should say that these are all relatively recent purchases. No sense in getting into the all-time list of unread books, as there simply isn't time.
Where to start??
My to-read pile is actually a shelf and a half of the bedroom shelves (so that no one will see an unread book and ask for my comment). I am glad I am not alone in my eyes being bigger than my stomach, reading-wise!
I've read the Friesen, Itani, York, and Adamson, and they'd all be good places to start the stack...
@Rebecca I'm glad, too! Shelves in the bedroom is a happy thought, and one I'm working on. All my books are currently in the main parts of my apartment.
@Ariel Thank you! I actually just started the Lansens right after I wrote the post, but now I have a good idea where to go next.
my to-read pile extends to the clouds
my new plan (after the move) is to only allow myself to reshelve books i have read. so as i unpack boxes i will be forced to discard or read the books before i can shelve them.
@Jonathan Oooh, that's disciplined. I admire the plan! How's the packing coming? Or does that start after the defense?
you will be sad to discover that i was forced to abandon my plan, due to space restrictions. my new plan is to read through the unread books on my bookshelf alphabetically (hardcovers then softcovers) and make decisions on whether to keep or discard books as i read them. hey, did you still have any desire to do a "post every day" challenge for some period of time?
Well, as someone who still has unpacked boxes (shoved in a closet) after over four years of living here, I think you're probably making the right decision.
I do have the desire...the ability, I'm not so sure. I'm up for a challenge, though. October? November?
i wouldn't mind trying it.... november would be better for me. let's tentatively say "it's a plan" and then chat about it more closer to then.
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